At the Laura Romanik seminar, she stated that when transferring from your lure to your verbal cue, some dogs get it in 50 tries, and some get it in 5000 tries. I think Zane is in the latter category. Some days I think he's starting to get a glimmer of the verbal down. . . other days, he has no clue. He did go down 3 times today on a verbal. . . but it wasn't a fold-back down. And I am insisting on a fold-back, so I'm back to giving the hand signal (no more luring - he doesn't need it).
Remember the shaping exercise with the box lid? Doing the two-in-two-out? I'm expanding it and using it to help with his self-stacking. He stops with his two back feet in the box lid. I ask him to step-step - that moves his front feet forward. Then I ask him to stretch - that gets that nice forward pose. If he steps with a back foot, it's out of the box lid and clearly wrong - especially if he hits the side of the lid. I played with it a bit tonight and think this might work pretty good.
I also started working on "shake". At this point he doesn't want to leave his paw in my hand - he just wants to hit my hand and take his paw away. So we're building duration. After shake will be high-five, then wave.
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