The vet called - no parasites to be seen. Hmmm, so I guess we have to chalk the diarrhea up to:
1. Drinking out of the mud puddles.
2. Eating the bird seed the birds drop.
3. Eating chicken poop.
4. Whatever else he's sticking in his little mouth. And right now that is a considerable amount!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
I decided that this week I'm really going to focus on leash walking and walking in new places. We're out in the country, so don't get all the sights and sounds from town.
I thought today we'd start easy - just a walk down our own dirt road. Uh, not. I forgot that as soon as we walk out our front gate, there would be 5 large Mastiffs and Pit Bull barking hysterically at us. Zane was terrified. We finally got past them, but he kept looking back to see if they were going to come get him. He wouldn't take food, wouldn't respond to the clicker.
Change of plans. After I got the youngest girls on the bus, we headed out to a neighborhood closer to town. I figured even a little 5 minute walk would do him good. It ended up better than expected. He met two walkers. Then a large water truck drove by. He had to stare at that. Then it stopped and hooked up to a fire hydrant and started pumping. We walked to it and watched it for a bit and talked to the workmen handling it all. Zane got some loving from them too. Then a bicycle went by, so he watched that.
On the very short walk (since we spent a lot of time watching the pumping truck), Zane found a pine cone that he picked up and brought home.
So my new goal is every day after the girls get on the bus, we drive to a new neighborhood and walk around and see what we can find.
I'm also going to start Look at That and BAT training with him. Today we also started reorienting when going through doors and gates. So much to do!
I thought today we'd start easy - just a walk down our own dirt road. Uh, not. I forgot that as soon as we walk out our front gate, there would be 5 large Mastiffs and Pit Bull barking hysterically at us. Zane was terrified. We finally got past them, but he kept looking back to see if they were going to come get him. He wouldn't take food, wouldn't respond to the clicker.
Change of plans. After I got the youngest girls on the bus, we headed out to a neighborhood closer to town. I figured even a little 5 minute walk would do him good. It ended up better than expected. He met two walkers. Then a large water truck drove by. He had to stare at that. Then it stopped and hooked up to a fire hydrant and started pumping. We walked to it and watched it for a bit and talked to the workmen handling it all. Zane got some loving from them too. Then a bicycle went by, so he watched that.
On the very short walk (since we spent a lot of time watching the pumping truck), Zane found a pine cone that he picked up and brought home.
So my new goal is every day after the girls get on the bus, we drive to a new neighborhood and walk around and see what we can find.
I'm also going to start Look at That and BAT training with him. Today we also started reorienting when going through doors and gates. So much to do!
Monday, August 30, 2010
Look, Zane carries metal articles!

Last night's funny. . . Zane met a vinegaroon.

He tried to touch it.

It sprayed him with vinegar. He wouldn't go near it again.
For those who haven't seen one up close:

On a sad note, Zane has diarrhea again. It seems to come and go, so I took a fecal sample in today. We'll have the results tomorrow. I'm thinking he must have picked up a parasite somewhere.
Last night's funny. . . Zane met a vinegaroon.
He tried to touch it.
It sprayed him with vinegar. He wouldn't go near it again.
For those who haven't seen one up close:
On a sad note, Zane has diarrhea again. It seems to come and go, so I took a fecal sample in today. We'll have the results tomorrow. I'm thinking he must have picked up a parasite somewhere.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Saturday's Fun
Early this morning Bella had an agility lesson. The instructor has some nice kennels out for the dogs to rest in, so Zane went and sat in the kennel. I wanted to work on good behavior in the kennel, so every time Bella came out to work, Zane got a bit of his breakfast. So Bella and me leaving were a good thing to him. He met a new Valhund, and he interacted with the Aussie he snapped at last time. I put him in the end kennel this time so he'd only have dogs on one side. Next time he'll go in a middle kennel so he will have to deal with dogs on two sides. He's not showing near as much stress about other dogs now.
This afternoon we went swimming again. After a couple of short swims (like 1-2 feet to the ramp), we tried to get him to go down the ramp into the water. I think that was a mistake. He ended up going off the side and went underwater. He was not happy with that. Next time I think we'll continue to hold him in the water and slowly lower him in. That seems to work better for him.
After swimming, he took a long nap, drank a lot of water, and ended up having his first real accident in the house. Oh well. . . it had to happen.
He had a late lunch, so for his regular dinner time he wasn't very hungry. He doesn't like doing downs for kibble much, and tonight was horrible. It just wasn't worth it to him to do a down for kibble. I got three out of him, but he resisted mightily. We'll try again later with some chicken. He was able to hold a down while I lightly tossed a kibble or rolled it toward him. He could resist a kibble on one paw, but not on the other while he held his down.
He did do paw touches for kibble, and several hand touches before getting distracted by people in the next pasture and by the doves in the yard. Since he wasn't very hungry, I just put his dinner away and will try again later. I was going to do Aim For It to a large fleece toy, so hopefully we can still get that in.
We're also starting to reach the "ear" stage. Right now one ear seems to be carried higher than the other. He looks a little lopsided. Ears do such weird things through teething. I'm sure we'll get a lot of hysterical ear pictures the next few months! And there's definitely stuff happening in the mouth. He's chewing everything now. Those jaws need to work!
This afternoon we went swimming again. After a couple of short swims (like 1-2 feet to the ramp), we tried to get him to go down the ramp into the water. I think that was a mistake. He ended up going off the side and went underwater. He was not happy with that. Next time I think we'll continue to hold him in the water and slowly lower him in. That seems to work better for him.
After swimming, he took a long nap, drank a lot of water, and ended up having his first real accident in the house. Oh well. . . it had to happen.
He had a late lunch, so for his regular dinner time he wasn't very hungry. He doesn't like doing downs for kibble much, and tonight was horrible. It just wasn't worth it to him to do a down for kibble. I got three out of him, but he resisted mightily. We'll try again later with some chicken. He was able to hold a down while I lightly tossed a kibble or rolled it toward him. He could resist a kibble on one paw, but not on the other while he held his down.
He did do paw touches for kibble, and several hand touches before getting distracted by people in the next pasture and by the doves in the yard. Since he wasn't very hungry, I just put his dinner away and will try again later. I was going to do Aim For It to a large fleece toy, so hopefully we can still get that in.
We're also starting to reach the "ear" stage. Right now one ear seems to be carried higher than the other. He looks a little lopsided. Ears do such weird things through teething. I'm sure we'll get a lot of hysterical ear pictures the next few months! And there's definitely stuff happening in the mouth. He's chewing everything now. Those jaws need to work!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Easy Day
Yesterday's Aim For It was over plastic bags - a trash bag and a heavy mil plastic. He was hesitant on the heavy one at first, then did it. He also did cavalettis.
Not a lot of training today. I'm tired and it's not fair to the dogs to train when I'm tired. But we did use part of breakfast to work on Choose to Heel.
He also got a bath today - just in time for the rain and mud.
Zane is also getting huge. I'm calling him "Toad Belly" because when he lays flat on his belly with all his legs out, his tummy rounds out like a toad's.
Rainy days

Zane - 11 weeks

Zane thinks he's hiding behind the bush.

He's actually being stalked by Pico the Cat.

Playing with Waffles. He ended up just running circles around her.

Not a bad job self-stacking. Ignore the head stuck through the wire. . .
Not a lot of training today. I'm tired and it's not fair to the dogs to train when I'm tired. But we did use part of breakfast to work on Choose to Heel.
He also got a bath today - just in time for the rain and mud.
Zane is also getting huge. I'm calling him "Toad Belly" because when he lays flat on his belly with all his legs out, his tummy rounds out like a toad's.
Rainy days
Zane - 11 weeks
Zane thinks he's hiding behind the bush.
He's actually being stalked by Pico the Cat.
Playing with Waffles. He ended up just running circles around her.
Not a bad job self-stacking. Ignore the head stuck through the wire. . .
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Zane is learning that when he is cued for a position, he holds that position until released. Here he is working on Down/Maintain.
Eye Contact, Come & Go, Movement
Yesterday we did Aim For It with a wooden board (that will eventually be used for his contact training). He is really starting to aim on his own! He's moving forward towards things.
This is Zane working on Eye Contact.
Come and Go Game

This is Zane working on Eye Contact.
Come and Go Game
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Downs, Swimming, and Aim For It
So much fun training and activities the past two days, and some breakthroughs!
Yesterday I introduced Aim For It from Agility Right From the Start. Europe didn't have clicker people telling them how to clicker train, so they came up with some different techniques. Their techniques aren't wrong. . . just different, and we can learn a lot from them.
So in Aim For It, you lead your dog to an object. Right now we're working on getting "on" the object. So when Zane's head is forward, I click and position the reward so he has to take a step or two toward the object. Then while his head is still facing forward, click and position the treat a couple of steps ahead. Keep going until he is on the object. (You can also do over, through, around, under, etc. Right now we're just doing on.) Then you "transport" them back to the starting position.
Yesterday we did this game with a cushion and a plastic brick. Breakthrough with the brick. . . he moved right for it and put both front feet on. Today we did it with a cardboard box. I'm trying to do it with as many different surfaces as I can. Again, he moved right for the cardboard box, so he is getting the idea.
We may have had a breakthrough with our downs also. Chris Bach of the Third Way has you take the dog under your leg so they fold back into the down, then you always work on down/maintain. Your finger pointing to the ground becomes the cue for this. Zane would go under my leg easily. He would maintain the down, even if I moved my leg, but he wouldn't do a down without the leg. To him, this was "go under the leg" not "down". He even voluntarily went under the leg without a cue. So tonight I had his floor cord on. I kept it short and maintained light pressure forward. I had food in one hand cued with the finger. It took him awhile, but he did finally fold back. Then we did it two more times and I gave him the rest of his dinner. The last one was fairly fast - he was getting the idea, so I wanted to end on success. This was a hard concept for him, and the first time he's really had to work through that kind of pressure.
Late this afternoon the clouds rolled in and it cooled off enough to work outside. I spent about an hour hacking our tumbleweed. About 4 times I called Zane, and he came running flat out every time. It was so cute! One time he had to struggle through a downed tumbleweed, but he succeeded and got to me. What a good boy!
Zane also got to go swimming. I have a client who has a 10mo German Shepherd with Pano. He's an active dog and needs lots of exercise, but his joints can't handle it right now. So to the pool we went. While he was taking a break midway through his session, the other trainer said, "Put Zane in." So the Shepherd's owner took him in, eased him into the water, and helped him swim to the ramp. I think we're going back this weekend!

Yesterday I introduced Aim For It from Agility Right From the Start. Europe didn't have clicker people telling them how to clicker train, so they came up with some different techniques. Their techniques aren't wrong. . . just different, and we can learn a lot from them.
So in Aim For It, you lead your dog to an object. Right now we're working on getting "on" the object. So when Zane's head is forward, I click and position the reward so he has to take a step or two toward the object. Then while his head is still facing forward, click and position the treat a couple of steps ahead. Keep going until he is on the object. (You can also do over, through, around, under, etc. Right now we're just doing on.) Then you "transport" them back to the starting position.
Yesterday we did this game with a cushion and a plastic brick. Breakthrough with the brick. . . he moved right for it and put both front feet on. Today we did it with a cardboard box. I'm trying to do it with as many different surfaces as I can. Again, he moved right for the cardboard box, so he is getting the idea.
We may have had a breakthrough with our downs also. Chris Bach of the Third Way has you take the dog under your leg so they fold back into the down, then you always work on down/maintain. Your finger pointing to the ground becomes the cue for this. Zane would go under my leg easily. He would maintain the down, even if I moved my leg, but he wouldn't do a down without the leg. To him, this was "go under the leg" not "down". He even voluntarily went under the leg without a cue. So tonight I had his floor cord on. I kept it short and maintained light pressure forward. I had food in one hand cued with the finger. It took him awhile, but he did finally fold back. Then we did it two more times and I gave him the rest of his dinner. The last one was fairly fast - he was getting the idea, so I wanted to end on success. This was a hard concept for him, and the first time he's really had to work through that kind of pressure.
Late this afternoon the clouds rolled in and it cooled off enough to work outside. I spent about an hour hacking our tumbleweed. About 4 times I called Zane, and he came running flat out every time. It was so cute! One time he had to struggle through a downed tumbleweed, but he succeeded and got to me. What a good boy!
Zane also got to go swimming. I have a client who has a 10mo German Shepherd with Pano. He's an active dog and needs lots of exercise, but his joints can't handle it right now. So to the pool we went. While he was taking a break midway through his session, the other trainer said, "Put Zane in." So the Shepherd's owner took him in, eased him into the water, and helped him swim to the ramp. I think we're going back this weekend!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Training Thoughts
For his dinner training, Zane and I headed outside. First we worked on Choose to Heel. He's still preferring to go to side rather than heel, so I wanted to work on heel more. I made counter-clockwise circles. That way heel position was on the inside of the circle and it was easier to get there than to try to run to keep up on the outside. Some of my circles got very small to help him succeed! By the end I was able to get 2-4 steps in heel position before the click/treat. While we were out there, we also played the Name Game. When he looked at something, I'd call his name. As soon as his head turned, I'd click. He responded every time.
Then we sat on the back porch. I found a random object (a screw top to a super soaker maybe?) and he did paw touches to it. Then he did hand touches with his nose. He will now turn to the side and take up to 2 steps forward to touch. Then we worked on downs. He likes to flop onto one hip for his downs. That will come later. . . right now I want nice fold-back Sphinx downs. So he only gets a click if his body is centered.
So my thoughts on training today centered around how to help him be successful and maintaining criteria so it was very clear what I wanted.
Then we sat on the back porch. I found a random object (a screw top to a super soaker maybe?) and he did paw touches to it. Then he did hand touches with his nose. He will now turn to the side and take up to 2 steps forward to touch. Then we worked on downs. He likes to flop onto one hip for his downs. That will come later. . . right now I want nice fold-back Sphinx downs. So he only gets a click if his body is centered.
So my thoughts on training today centered around how to help him be successful and maintaining criteria so it was very clear what I wanted.
Show 'n Go
What a big day for the little guy! He went to the Show 'n Go. He met a Jack Russell Terrier (although they didn't get too close), a Rottweiler, an Italian Greyhound, a Border Collie, and a Schnauzer. No growling! Yay! He did show some stress signs at one point, so we just got out of there before it was too much for him. He also made lots of new people friends.
He even got to go into the ring! He did a sit-maintain, eye contact, finding heel, and a drop on recall. Ok, so it was supposed to be just a recall, but he got tired halfway to me and lay down instead. I'm still calling it a drop on recall. And no screaming in his crate all day.
He's fast asleep behind my chair now. It was a hard day for a baby dog.
Note: When he started showing some stress when meeting the other dogs, I want to explain why I got him out. The more he gets to practice stress and growling, the more ingrained that path becomes in his brain. I don't want that path to be strong. He handled the attention from the other dogs very nicely and ate his treats (a sign that he wasn't over-stressed), and I wanted to end on success rather than have it turn bad.
He even got to go into the ring! He did a sit-maintain, eye contact, finding heel, and a drop on recall. Ok, so it was supposed to be just a recall, but he got tired halfway to me and lay down instead. I'm still calling it a drop on recall. And no screaming in his crate all day.
He's fast asleep behind my chair now. It was a hard day for a baby dog.
Note: When he started showing some stress when meeting the other dogs, I want to explain why I got him out. The more he gets to practice stress and growling, the more ingrained that path becomes in his brain. I don't want that path to be strong. He handled the attention from the other dogs very nicely and ate his treats (a sign that he wasn't over-stressed), and I wanted to end on success rather than have it turn bad.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Crate Games Update
Zane is very reliable about sitting and waiting until released when I open the crate door. And he'll often jump back in and sit, hoping for some chicken. I'd say he has a good start on Crate Games. Now to build the drive to run to the crate!
Mud Puppy
This morning I had to set up for a Show 'n Go I'm hosting tomorrow, so Zane got to tag along and see obedience rings being set up. He met two Shelties. One he kept his distance from. The other was quite interesting. Sedona, the Sheltie, isn't fond of other dogs. She's not aggressive; she just keeps her distance. She doesn't want them in her face. She tends to not like puppies because they want to jump on her and get in her face. But. . . Zane stayed back and didn't approach. So she got interested in him. Not too close, but she showed a lot of interest. They ended up standing right by each other, ignoring each other, and then went their separate ways. It was a very interesting encounter. He also met two new people, a man and a woman.
For his meals we do quick little training sessions. For example, for dinner he did 5 paw touches, 5 nose touches to a wooden spoon, 5 nose touches to my hand, 5 eye contacts, 5 downs, and 5 come and go exercises. Then he got the rest of the meal to eat, and he chowed down and ate it all. I usually give him a little more than he had been eating, and he's starting to clear it. Time to up it a little more.
We only did a little bit of choose to heel/side today. He did great when we worked on it.
It hasn't rained in a few days, so I watered the trees and flowers this evening. Mr. Zane became Mr. Mud Puppy.
Then, of course, a big thunderstorm rolled through and he got to listen to very loud thunder.
He saw the other 3 Aussies getting bathed. I use a recirculating bather, so he got to listen to that noise. Then he listened to the high velocity dryer and it didn't worry him a bit (he can worry about loud noises a bit). And he thought it was very funny to bother the older dogs as they were getting bathed.
Then he got a bath. He did NOT like that. He screamed and fought and made a fuss. But he got done. Then he had his nails dremeled while he licked cheese off of Joe's fingers. No problem!
Tomorrow he'll spend a few hours at the Show 'n Go. I might even take him into the ring and play a bit. Never too early to start working on having fun in the ring!
For his meals we do quick little training sessions. For example, for dinner he did 5 paw touches, 5 nose touches to a wooden spoon, 5 nose touches to my hand, 5 eye contacts, 5 downs, and 5 come and go exercises. Then he got the rest of the meal to eat, and he chowed down and ate it all. I usually give him a little more than he had been eating, and he's starting to clear it. Time to up it a little more.
We only did a little bit of choose to heel/side today. He did great when we worked on it.
It hasn't rained in a few days, so I watered the trees and flowers this evening. Mr. Zane became Mr. Mud Puppy.
Then, of course, a big thunderstorm rolled through and he got to listen to very loud thunder.
He saw the other 3 Aussies getting bathed. I use a recirculating bather, so he got to listen to that noise. Then he listened to the high velocity dryer and it didn't worry him a bit (he can worry about loud noises a bit). And he thought it was very funny to bother the older dogs as they were getting bathed.
Then he got a bath. He did NOT like that. He screamed and fought and made a fuss. But he got done. Then he had his nails dremeled while he licked cheese off of Joe's fingers. No problem!
Tomorrow he'll spend a few hours at the Show 'n Go. I might even take him into the ring and play a bit. Never too early to start working on having fun in the ring!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Games are paying off
I've mentioned before that I'm playing the games from Focused Puppy by Deborah Jones. One is the Come and Go Game, and I didn't realize the full value of it. Tonight, I did. I took Zane out with a ball. I tossed it, he ran to it, grabbed it, and brought it back. No running off with it. He came right back. To him, it was the come and go game in another form. What a nice way to start retrieves!
At home, Zane is great in his crate now. He is quiet and just watches things (unless he needs to go potty, then he's very noisy). But at the training building he screams and barks and cries almost non-stop. He wants to come out and work too! But he has to learn to stay in there quietly no matter what is going on.
After only one day of clicking for getting into heel/side position while I'm walking, he's getting there more and more and more. I love doing this and watching them want to get into heel position. Right now he seems to have a slight preference for side, but I'll even him out.
And again, I cannot stress the importance of tethering a puppy. He gets to be out with us, but he learns that it's not always go-go-go-go. He can be calm, play with his toys, or take a nap. I like that he's learning calmness at this early age. So many people allow their puppies to stay so aroused that they never get an off-switch. I like the off-switch, then I like them to turn on when it's time. Zane is doing both.
At home, Zane is great in his crate now. He is quiet and just watches things (unless he needs to go potty, then he's very noisy). But at the training building he screams and barks and cries almost non-stop. He wants to come out and work too! But he has to learn to stay in there quietly no matter what is going on.
After only one day of clicking for getting into heel/side position while I'm walking, he's getting there more and more and more. I love doing this and watching them want to get into heel position. Right now he seems to have a slight preference for side, but I'll even him out.
And again, I cannot stress the importance of tethering a puppy. He gets to be out with us, but he learns that it's not always go-go-go-go. He can be calm, play with his toys, or take a nap. I like that he's learning calmness at this early age. So many people allow their puppies to stay so aroused that they never get an off-switch. I like the off-switch, then I like them to turn on when it's time. Zane is doing both.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wonderful evening!
Zane has issues with other dogs. He is fearful and if the dog is too pushy or comes right up on him, he growls and will snap. I'm doing a lot of work to counter-condition this and to change his conditioned emotional response to other dogs.
Tonight was puppy class. There were two other dogs there - a tiny little Shih Tzu who is timid and a Shepherd mix who is very exuberant. Zane got to come out at the beginning of class. I had treats going to him constantly and let him approach the other puppies as he was comfortable. A couple of times he ran to hide, but did come back out for more treats. I was pleased as he never got aggressive and he got within 3 feet of the other puppies.
After class I took him outside to potty. The others came out and as Zane approached, I kept treats going to him. He ended up allowing the little Shih Tzu to approach him with no reaction. Her owner and I were both tossing treats on the ground to the dogs. Then I kept placing treats closer and closer to the Shepherd. They finally got nose to nose, shared treats, sniffed each other, and no reaction from Zane! Good boy!
It was a great night just for that.

Tonight was puppy class. There were two other dogs there - a tiny little Shih Tzu who is timid and a Shepherd mix who is very exuberant. Zane got to come out at the beginning of class. I had treats going to him constantly and let him approach the other puppies as he was comfortable. A couple of times he ran to hide, but did come back out for more treats. I was pleased as he never got aggressive and he got within 3 feet of the other puppies.
After class I took him outside to potty. The others came out and as Zane approached, I kept treats going to him. He ended up allowing the little Shih Tzu to approach him with no reaction. Her owner and I were both tossing treats on the ground to the dogs. Then I kept placing treats closer and closer to the Shepherd. They finally got nose to nose, shared treats, sniffed each other, and no reaction from Zane! Good boy!
It was a great night just for that.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Vets and Reward Zones and Recalls
Today Zane's big adventure was a visit to the vet. He was due for his puppy shots. He weighed 8.2 lb. It was a busy day there. Right before we got there, a dog came in with a temp of 105. Right after we got there a dog came in with possible torsion.
One of the ladies asked his name. I told her, and she called him. He immediately turned to her and gave her eye contact. Good puppy!
Crate Games are going phenomenally. He's running into the crate every chance he can. And he's waiting to come out until released.
Today's new training was heel and side (side is heel position on the right). When walking, any time he gets close to either side, I click and give the reward by my leg. I want that to be the "hot" place - the place he always wants to get to.
Then we worked on him sitting and holding a sit in each position. No problem! He's holding a sit in all positions even with the other dogs milling around him.
This evening at dusk we were outside walking around. I headed to the back of the house to sit in a chair while the dogs played. I turned and Travis and Emily were with me, Bella was on her way, but I didn't see Zane. I headed to the side of the house we came from and called him. He came running as fast as he could. Boy does he make me proud! He's responding so well.
He's been playing with spoons and a baseball (everybody keeps asking why there are spoons on the kitchen floor). That way he's used to metal and leather when it comes time for scent articles. He loves racquet ball balls. And he loves squeaky toys and his gingerbread man (a little stuffed toy). And he adores the toys that have a water bottle in them to crunch and chew.
One of the ladies asked his name. I told her, and she called him. He immediately turned to her and gave her eye contact. Good puppy!
Crate Games are going phenomenally. He's running into the crate every chance he can. And he's waiting to come out until released.
Today's new training was heel and side (side is heel position on the right). When walking, any time he gets close to either side, I click and give the reward by my leg. I want that to be the "hot" place - the place he always wants to get to.
Then we worked on him sitting and holding a sit in each position. No problem! He's holding a sit in all positions even with the other dogs milling around him.
This evening at dusk we were outside walking around. I headed to the back of the house to sit in a chair while the dogs played. I turned and Travis and Emily were with me, Bella was on her way, but I didn't see Zane. I headed to the side of the house we came from and called him. He came running as fast as he could. Boy does he make me proud! He's responding so well.
He's been playing with spoons and a baseball (everybody keeps asking why there are spoons on the kitchen floor). That way he's used to metal and leather when it comes time for scent articles. He loves racquet ball balls. And he loves squeaky toys and his gingerbread man (a little stuffed toy). And he adores the toys that have a water bottle in them to crunch and chew.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Crate Games Success
Crate Games went much better today. The secret? Chicken!
Now he sits in the crate with the door open, waiting for his chicken. When I release him from the crate, he just wants to get back in to get more chicken. Perfect!
The boys insist on calling him "Skinner". So, his crate is now "box". So when I want him to go into his crate, I use the cue "box" instead of "go to your crate" like I used with Bella.
When we are out walking and I stop, he immediately sits and stares at me. It is so cute! I'm not going to complain about that response from him.
We were out walking the property and I lost sight of him. So I called, "Zane, come!" Then I see him. He had stopped to poop, but I had called, so he was doing his best to get to me while still pooping. Poor puppy! He got a big reward for that.
Crate Games were the main focus today, but we did get in sits and eye contact too. I want that eye contact file to be huge! When he isn't sure what to do, I want him to think, "Oh, I can look at her and it's always right!"
Now he sits in the crate with the door open, waiting for his chicken. When I release him from the crate, he just wants to get back in to get more chicken. Perfect!
The boys insist on calling him "Skinner". So, his crate is now "box". So when I want him to go into his crate, I use the cue "box" instead of "go to your crate" like I used with Bella.
When we are out walking and I stop, he immediately sits and stares at me. It is so cute! I'm not going to complain about that response from him.
We were out walking the property and I lost sight of him. So I called, "Zane, come!" Then I see him. He had stopped to poop, but I had called, so he was doing his best to get to me while still pooping. Poor puppy! He got a big reward for that.
Crate Games were the main focus today, but we did get in sits and eye contact too. I want that eye contact file to be huge! When he isn't sure what to do, I want him to think, "Oh, I can look at her and it's always right!"
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sleep and Adventures
I think Zane may be in a growth spurt. He's slept an awful lot today and is eating like a horse! I guess we'll find out in a few days.
This afternoon he went to Home Depot.

He mets lots of people - at least 3 ethnicities, a man with a prosthetic leg, and two men who adored him who didn't speak much English. He was scared of the rolling carts at first, but after a few treats decided they were ok. He watched the doors slide open and walked through them. And he walked so nicely on his leash - I was very proud of him.
He did almost have an accident today. He was walking from his crate to the back door. He stopped within 3 feet of the door and stopped and squatted. I snatched him up and got him outside. Nothing came out inside, so we got lucky. Oh, and yesterday he had another potty first. . . he had to pee in the rain. He did it!
Crate Games didn't go well today. "Uh, it's my choice? I choose to not go back in." I need to do more rewarding inside the crate now.
Here he is learning to paw target for the first time. He got a bit enthusiastic at times!
He's outside right now splashing in the rain puddles. I better go play too!
This afternoon he went to Home Depot.
He mets lots of people - at least 3 ethnicities, a man with a prosthetic leg, and two men who adored him who didn't speak much English. He was scared of the rolling carts at first, but after a few treats decided they were ok. He watched the doors slide open and walked through them. And he walked so nicely on his leash - I was very proud of him.
He did almost have an accident today. He was walking from his crate to the back door. He stopped within 3 feet of the door and stopped and squatted. I snatched him up and got him outside. Nothing came out inside, so we got lucky. Oh, and yesterday he had another potty first. . . he had to pee in the rain. He did it!
Crate Games didn't go well today. "Uh, it's my choice? I choose to not go back in." I need to do more rewarding inside the crate now.
Here he is learning to paw target for the first time. He got a bit enthusiastic at times!
He's outside right now splashing in the rain puddles. I better go play too!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Crate Games!
Today we started Crate Games. We didn't get through all the levels you're supposed to on the first day. . . his tummy just can't hold that much food. So we're taking it a bit slower.
We did get to the "It's yer choice" game. At first he didn't want to go back into the crate. I just stepped on his floor cord so he couldn't get anywhere and waited. And waited. And waited. Often in training, people don't wait long enough for the dog to think and figure it out. I want him to think! And he did. He finally walked into the crate and got the yummy treats. I released him out and he got kibble. He ran back in. . . yummy treats. We did that a few times then stopped for the day. We'll do more tomorrow.
Yesterday I started some hand targeting and today continued that and did some nose targeting to a lid. He was getting it! I want to get his paw targeting started soon too. He likes to paw things and I don't want to lose it!
This evening Jade and I did hallway recalls again. He knows what to do. And today we were outside and he was about 20 yards away. I called and he came running. Woohoo! He's definitely getting it.
Since he understands the click, I'm also starting to click every time I see him in a nice stack. I'd like to get it on cue for a nice self-stack.
He did a few more sits today, and now he comes up, sits in front of me and stares very intently. It is so cute! Right now he doesn't handle pressure well, so I have to be very careful how I reward him for the sit/maintains and release him before the pressure is too much. But he is definitely trying his hardest to do it and offering sits a lot.
We did get to the "It's yer choice" game. At first he didn't want to go back into the crate. I just stepped on his floor cord so he couldn't get anywhere and waited. And waited. And waited. Often in training, people don't wait long enough for the dog to think and figure it out. I want him to think! And he did. He finally walked into the crate and got the yummy treats. I released him out and he got kibble. He ran back in. . . yummy treats. We did that a few times then stopped for the day. We'll do more tomorrow.
Yesterday I started some hand targeting and today continued that and did some nose targeting to a lid. He was getting it! I want to get his paw targeting started soon too. He likes to paw things and I don't want to lose it!
This evening Jade and I did hallway recalls again. He knows what to do. And today we were outside and he was about 20 yards away. I called and he came running. Woohoo! He's definitely getting it.
Since he understands the click, I'm also starting to click every time I see him in a nice stack. I'd like to get it on cue for a nice self-stack.
He did a few more sits today, and now he comes up, sits in front of me and stares very intently. It is so cute! Right now he doesn't handle pressure well, so I have to be very careful how I reward him for the sit/maintains and release him before the pressure is too much. But he is definitely trying his hardest to do it and offering sits a lot.
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Attention & Sits
This afternoon we worked on the back porch. I tried to do Come and Goes, but every time I tossed a treat for the go, he lost it and tried to eat little clumps of dirt. So we abandoned that one!
Instead we went to more advanced eye contact. I showed him the treat in my hand then moved it out to the side. Waited for eye contact, then click/treat. He got it fast! A couple of more days then he'll be ready for harder stuff. He knows his eye contact now.
Then we did sits. I'm following the Third Way technique of sit/maintains. So when he sits, he holds it until released. We only did 5 or 6 sits, but then he started coming up and sitting, hoping for more treats. The psych is set!
This evening Jade and I sat at opposite ends of the hallway and did recalls. He liked those. Run back and forth and get treats. What fun!
We were outside playing and Zane ran from the yard to the back porch. Bella tends to run down anything that is moving fast and she bowled him over. He screamed and wouldn't put a rear leg down. I got him, stretched the leg out, massaged it, and made sure nothing was out of place. He's now napping, but I think when he gets up he'll fine. Bella will have some work on not running over other animals. Unfortunately, when she was a puppy, none of the other dogs told her off for it, so she continued to do it.
Instead we went to more advanced eye contact. I showed him the treat in my hand then moved it out to the side. Waited for eye contact, then click/treat. He got it fast! A couple of more days then he'll be ready for harder stuff. He knows his eye contact now.
Then we did sits. I'm following the Third Way technique of sit/maintains. So when he sits, he holds it until released. We only did 5 or 6 sits, but then he started coming up and sitting, hoping for more treats. The psych is set!
This evening Jade and I sat at opposite ends of the hallway and did recalls. He liked those. Run back and forth and get treats. What fun!
We were outside playing and Zane ran from the yard to the back porch. Bella tends to run down anything that is moving fast and she bowled him over. He screamed and wouldn't put a rear leg down. I got him, stretched the leg out, massaged it, and made sure nothing was out of place. He's now napping, but I think when he gets up he'll fine. Bella will have some work on not running over other animals. Unfortunately, when she was a puppy, none of the other dogs told her off for it, so she continued to do it.
Foster Mama
Bella has really become attached to Zane. They play, and she is so gentle with him. But something new has come up. Bella will be standing, Zane comes up under her and tries to nurse. She lets him.
She lets him get away with more than she will any other dog!
She lets him get away with more than she will any other dog!
Time to Blog!
It's been a busy few days and I didn't take the time to update what's going on.
Zane had an upset tummy for a couple of days, so he didn't want to eat a lot, so training was slow. By parentage, he is MDR1 normal, so a bit of Immodium put his tummy to rights.
Zane has an issue with other dogs. When a new dog approaches, his first reaction is to growl. He met two new dogs on Thursday and growled at them. He met two new dogs on Friday and growled at them and snapped at one. It seems to be fear. . . he's scared and is telling them to stay back. So my plan is to shove the yummiest food I have in his face when another dog comes near. Today he met a Valhund - chicken in his face and he did fine. Then he was in a kennel and an Aussie bitch came up to smell him. I gave him several pieces of chicken and he did fine. She continued to be interested in him and I said, "He's getting worried now." (I could tell by body language.) Another piece of chicken, then he did growl and snap. I have to be very careful to keep him under threshold and get him out of there before it's too much for him. Interestingly, a lot of dogs who don't like other dogs do fine with Valhunds. Don't ask me why.
Zane also worries about things that move and make noise. So he's been getting introduced to lots of obnoxious toys that sing and dance and move. I kneel beside it and give him food and he settles down and can explore rather than running away.
Continuing to work on eye contact, and today I started Susan Garrett's Recall course with him. We're only on Bonus Game #1, so we're behind, but he wasn't ready to start last week.
Breakfast he ate while sitting in a kennel at the agility field for Bella's lesson. I'd go by and drop a bit more in every time. He was very, very good. At one point, he went to the back of the kennel and started jumping and yelping frantically. I let him out and he ran nearby and pooped. Good boy! He didn't want to mess up his "place".
For lunch, we did several things. First I did 5 collar grabs with a piece of food after each. Then a collar grab and a couple of steps for a piece of food (times 5). Then we did 10 eye contacts. He's getting very deliberate with eye contact. Then 10 more collar grabs. Then 15 times of calling his name, clicking, and giving a treat. Gotta' work on the name more! Then I gave him the rest of his lunch in his bowl. He ate a few bites, then very deliberately sat in front of me and gave me eye contact. Of course I had to click and give him a piece of his kibble! He did that a couple of more times. I think he has it!
He's walked on a metal surface and a hard wood surface. He met 4 more women and 1 more man. He's been on the wobble board.
One thing that amazes me. . . he has learned his way around very, very quickly. He knows where the front and back doors are. He knows where the front, back, and inside water bowls are. If he wants something, he just goes to it.
I am tethering/umbilical cording him more. He had one accident in the house (I wasn't home, and DH and kids just are as diligent as I am.) Otherwise, he's been great at the housetraining.
This afternoon we went outside and sat in a rare shady place by our workshop. He got to climb over pallets and maneuver through the spaces. He crawled over scattered jump bars. And he got the zoomies and slid in the hay. He's so much fun!
Zane had an upset tummy for a couple of days, so he didn't want to eat a lot, so training was slow. By parentage, he is MDR1 normal, so a bit of Immodium put his tummy to rights.
Zane has an issue with other dogs. When a new dog approaches, his first reaction is to growl. He met two new dogs on Thursday and growled at them. He met two new dogs on Friday and growled at them and snapped at one. It seems to be fear. . . he's scared and is telling them to stay back. So my plan is to shove the yummiest food I have in his face when another dog comes near. Today he met a Valhund - chicken in his face and he did fine. Then he was in a kennel and an Aussie bitch came up to smell him. I gave him several pieces of chicken and he did fine. She continued to be interested in him and I said, "He's getting worried now." (I could tell by body language.) Another piece of chicken, then he did growl and snap. I have to be very careful to keep him under threshold and get him out of there before it's too much for him. Interestingly, a lot of dogs who don't like other dogs do fine with Valhunds. Don't ask me why.
Zane also worries about things that move and make noise. So he's been getting introduced to lots of obnoxious toys that sing and dance and move. I kneel beside it and give him food and he settles down and can explore rather than running away.
Continuing to work on eye contact, and today I started Susan Garrett's Recall course with him. We're only on Bonus Game #1, so we're behind, but he wasn't ready to start last week.
Breakfast he ate while sitting in a kennel at the agility field for Bella's lesson. I'd go by and drop a bit more in every time. He was very, very good. At one point, he went to the back of the kennel and started jumping and yelping frantically. I let him out and he ran nearby and pooped. Good boy! He didn't want to mess up his "place".
For lunch, we did several things. First I did 5 collar grabs with a piece of food after each. Then a collar grab and a couple of steps for a piece of food (times 5). Then we did 10 eye contacts. He's getting very deliberate with eye contact. Then 10 more collar grabs. Then 15 times of calling his name, clicking, and giving a treat. Gotta' work on the name more! Then I gave him the rest of his lunch in his bowl. He ate a few bites, then very deliberately sat in front of me and gave me eye contact. Of course I had to click and give him a piece of his kibble! He did that a couple of more times. I think he has it!
He's walked on a metal surface and a hard wood surface. He met 4 more women and 1 more man. He's been on the wobble board.
One thing that amazes me. . . he has learned his way around very, very quickly. He knows where the front and back doors are. He knows where the front, back, and inside water bowls are. If he wants something, he just goes to it.
I am tethering/umbilical cording him more. He had one accident in the house (I wasn't home, and DH and kids just are as diligent as I am.) Otherwise, he's been great at the housetraining.
This afternoon we went outside and sat in a rare shady place by our workshop. He got to climb over pallets and maneuver through the spaces. He crawled over scattered jump bars. And he got the zoomies and slid in the hay. He's so much fun!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
No matter what you plan to do with your dog, socialization is something that *every* dog needs. Pet, performance, show. . . if they aren't socialized, they won't be the dog you want.
Most people know about the Puppies Rule of 12. This is a list of the many different things your puppy should have experienced before they are 12 weeks of age.
I also like the Puppy Scavenger Hunt. Let's see what Zane has done.
He has been introduced to these items in the following categories:
5 different houses so far (goal is 10)
Ridden in:
Walked on:
Wooden Deck
Played with:
Rubber toys
Fabric toys
Other puppies (but only his siblings so far)
Eaten in:
Living room
Front yard
Back yeard
Bedroom (adult)
Slept in:
Someone's lap
Over low obstacles
Loud music
Vacuum cleaner
Washing machine
Seen people sitting on:
6 men
Person in hat
Person in sunglasses
Person in uniform
At least 9 women, probably more
4 children
At least 6 dogs (not counting the breeder's)
Other animals - horses, chickens, cats, rabbit
Here's another Scavenger Hunt. Let's see how we do on it so far.
Boy between 2 and 6.
Girl, 7 or older
Calm boy, 7 or older
Man with a beard
Friendly stranger in a hat
Friendly stranger in sunglasses
Person in uniform.
Person driving a truck.
Person carrying packages.
Sights, sounds, and sensations:
A camera
Cat with attitude
Older, well-socialized dog
Lifted onto table-like surface
Separated and held each toe
Flapping movement
So, we still have a ways to go, but we have a start. And we have plans to do more.
Another great resource if you have a puppy is the book Focused Puppy by Deborah Jones. If gives you a plan for that early training. A lot of the stuff I'm doing now comes from this book.
Today's training has included the name game (not so good - he was very distracted by the cat who was watching), eye contact, and the Come-Go game. I toss a piece of food and tell him to "go". When he gets to the food, I click. When he finishes eating, I say, "Zane, come!", and click when he turns toward me, then he comes and gets a couple of pieces of food. This evening we did a few sits. I really don't think he understands the clicker yet. Give him time. . . he's still so young.
Most people know about the Puppies Rule of 12. This is a list of the many different things your puppy should have experienced before they are 12 weeks of age.
I also like the Puppy Scavenger Hunt. Let's see what Zane has done.
He has been introduced to these items in the following categories:
5 different houses so far (goal is 10)
Ridden in:
Walked on:
Wooden Deck
Played with:
Rubber toys
Fabric toys
Other puppies (but only his siblings so far)
Eaten in:
Living room
Front yard
Back yeard
Bedroom (adult)
Slept in:
Someone's lap
Over low obstacles
Loud music
Vacuum cleaner
Washing machine
Seen people sitting on:
6 men
Person in hat
Person in sunglasses
Person in uniform
At least 9 women, probably more
4 children
At least 6 dogs (not counting the breeder's)
Other animals - horses, chickens, cats, rabbit
Here's another Scavenger Hunt. Let's see how we do on it so far.
Boy between 2 and 6.
Girl, 7 or older
Calm boy, 7 or older
Man with a beard
Friendly stranger in a hat
Friendly stranger in sunglasses
Person in uniform.
Person driving a truck.
Person carrying packages.
Sights, sounds, and sensations:
A camera
Cat with attitude
Older, well-socialized dog
Lifted onto table-like surface
Separated and held each toe
Flapping movement
So, we still have a ways to go, but we have a start. And we have plans to do more.
Another great resource if you have a puppy is the book Focused Puppy by Deborah Jones. If gives you a plan for that early training. A lot of the stuff I'm doing now comes from this book.
Today's training has included the name game (not so good - he was very distracted by the cat who was watching), eye contact, and the Come-Go game. I toss a piece of food and tell him to "go". When he gets to the food, I click. When he finishes eating, I say, "Zane, come!", and click when he turns toward me, then he comes and gets a couple of pieces of food. This evening we did a few sits. I really don't think he understands the clicker yet. Give him time. . . he's still so young.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Zane vs The Beetle
For breakfast, we played the name game. I sit on the floor, say his name, click and give him a piece of kibble. For lunch, I called his name, but waited for him look at me before clicking. He's really starting to get the idea. For dinner, I did "Zane come!" while walking backward. When he started to move toward me, I clicked and gave him his dinner.
He's been much better in his crate today. Screaming sessions are much shorter and he actually settled down quickly for his naps. Whew! I also put a collar on him. He's not used to one, and he is stopping a lot to scratch it. He's also dragging a floor cord and getting used to a leash.
We discovered one problem with potty training. Mid-day, the ground is so hot he doesn't want to walk on it. He runs back to the porch. I may need to make him a little shaded potty area and carry him to it.
He has figured out where the water in the house and the water on the back porch are so he can get his own drinks now.
This evening we were sitting outside and Zane got the puppy zoomies. He ran in circles, then would throw himself into a pile of grass and "hide". Then he'd zoom around again. It is way too cute. Unfortunately it was too dark for a video.
But. . . we did get a video of Zane vs The Beetle. This was a huge beetle. It looked like a June Bug, but was over 1.5 inches long. He loved playing with the beetle. He would paw it and try to bite it, but didn't like those prickly legs.

He's been much better in his crate today. Screaming sessions are much shorter and he actually settled down quickly for his naps. Whew! I also put a collar on him. He's not used to one, and he is stopping a lot to scratch it. He's also dragging a floor cord and getting used to a leash.
We discovered one problem with potty training. Mid-day, the ground is so hot he doesn't want to walk on it. He runs back to the porch. I may need to make him a little shaded potty area and carry him to it.
He has figured out where the water in the house and the water on the back porch are so he can get his own drinks now.
This evening we were sitting outside and Zane got the puppy zoomies. He ran in circles, then would throw himself into a pile of grass and "hide". Then he'd zoom around again. It is way too cute. Unfortunately it was too dark for a video.
But. . . we did get a video of Zane vs The Beetle. This was a huge beetle. It looked like a June Bug, but was over 1.5 inches long. He loved playing with the beetle. He would paw it and try to bite it, but didn't like those prickly legs.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Day 2
For breakfast, I counted out 10 kibble and clicked Zane for eye contact. It took a while. The cats came in and he wanted to look at them instead. Once he got his 10 clicks, he got the rest of his food in his bowl.
Then he went to agility lessons. No, he didn't do anything. It was Bella's lesson. But he got to meet two new dogs, meet 4 new people, and walk around a new place. And he got to sit in his crate while other dogs did active stuff.
For lunch, we worked on name recognition. Show him food, say his name, click/treat. I was only going to do it for 10 kibble, but ended up doing it for 20. He was too cute - he'd look at me out of the corner of his eyes.
This afternoon he met one of Jade's friends and her dad.
For his dinner, Jade, Jill, and I did round-robin recalls with just his name. He doesn't understand completely yet, but several times he did run to the person calling his name, so that's progress!
Some of today's pictures:
Bella says, "Stick with me boy, and I'll show you the ropes."

Zane likes this braided fleece salamander.

Biting "Big Dog"

Cuddling Big Dog

Say "Cheese!"

Mutant Puppy has a paw where his nose should be!

Playing with Bella.
Then he went to agility lessons. No, he didn't do anything. It was Bella's lesson. But he got to meet two new dogs, meet 4 new people, and walk around a new place. And he got to sit in his crate while other dogs did active stuff.
For lunch, we worked on name recognition. Show him food, say his name, click/treat. I was only going to do it for 10 kibble, but ended up doing it for 20. He was too cute - he'd look at me out of the corner of his eyes.
This afternoon he met one of Jade's friends and her dad.
For his dinner, Jade, Jill, and I did round-robin recalls with just his name. He doesn't understand completely yet, but several times he did run to the person calling his name, so that's progress!
Some of today's pictures:
Bella says, "Stick with me boy, and I'll show you the ropes."
Zane likes this braided fleece salamander.
Biting "Big Dog"
Cuddling Big Dog
Say "Cheese!"
Mutant Puppy has a paw where his nose should be!
Playing with Bella.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Introducing Zane. . .
I'd like you to meet Zane - Cirrus Riddle Me This.

This blog will be diary of his training and accomplishments. He will definitely be doing obedience, agility, and conformation. I'd really like him to do herding and tracking also.
He come home today at the age of 8 weeks. He's already known as Zane the Brain or Zaney Brainy. No, he doesn't have anything to live up to!
Welcome to your new life Zane.
This blog will be diary of his training and accomplishments. He will definitely be doing obedience, agility, and conformation. I'd really like him to do herding and tracking also.
He come home today at the age of 8 weeks. He's already known as Zane the Brain or Zaney Brainy. No, he doesn't have anything to live up to!
Welcome to your new life Zane.
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