Then he went to agility lessons. No, he didn't do anything. It was Bella's lesson. But he got to meet two new dogs, meet 4 new people, and walk around a new place. And he got to sit in his crate while other dogs did active stuff.
For lunch, we worked on name recognition. Show him food, say his name, click/treat. I was only going to do it for 10 kibble, but ended up doing it for 20. He was too cute - he'd look at me out of the corner of his eyes.
This afternoon he met one of Jade's friends and her dad.
For his dinner, Jade, Jill, and I did round-robin recalls with just his name. He doesn't understand completely yet, but several times he did run to the person calling his name, so that's progress!
Some of today's pictures:
Bella says, "Stick with me boy, and I'll show you the ropes."
Zane likes this braided fleece salamander.
Biting "Big Dog"
Cuddling Big Dog
Say "Cheese!"
Mutant Puppy has a paw where his nose should be!
Playing with Bella.
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