I've mentioned before that I'm playing the games from Focused Puppy by Deborah Jones. One is the Come and Go Game, and I didn't realize the full value of it. Tonight, I did. I took Zane out with a ball. I tossed it, he ran to it, grabbed it, and brought it back. No running off with it. He came right back. To him, it was the come and go game in another form. What a nice way to start retrieves!
At home, Zane is great in his crate now. He is quiet and just watches things (unless he needs to go potty, then he's very noisy). But at the training building he screams and barks and cries almost non-stop. He wants to come out and work too! But he has to learn to stay in there quietly no matter what is going on.
After only one day of clicking for getting into heel/side position while I'm walking, he's getting there more and more and more. I love doing this and watching them want to get into heel position. Right now he seems to have a slight preference for side, but I'll even him out.
And again, I cannot stress the importance of tethering a puppy. He gets to be out with us, but he learns that it's not always go-go-go-go. He can be calm, play with his toys, or take a nap. I like that he's learning calmness at this early age. So many people allow their puppies to stay so aroused that they never get an off-switch. I like the off-switch, then I like them to turn on when it's time. Zane is doing both.
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