All the dogs in that class right now are young - all 6-7 months old. He is able to work around them no problem. Two of the dogs are frequent playmates. At the end of class, the other dogs got to say "hi" to each other. We took Zane closer and closer and closer, playing Look at That. He could sit right next to them (like almost touching) and he kept his focus on us and was fine. When one of them got in his face, he did growl. So yes, he has some space issues, but as long as the dog isn't in his face, he's ok. He was able to work and focus very, very close to the other dogs, and that's my only requirement. He's not running in fear anymore at least.
One thing they worked on was "leave it". She was putting treats right in front of him and making him leave it.
This morning I pulled out a cone and worked on "get in", heel to front, and then wrap the cone at a distance. Then I took him to the building to work before class this morning. I filmed the first part of the scent work before the camera battery died, so watch for that in the future.
I'm about to give up on his ears and just take the tape off for good. I don't think he's going to have button ears, no matter what I do. They're not horrible ears and they are just him.
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