Monday, December 27, 2010

Still growing

Zane is now officially taller than Bella. I haven't measured him, but when they're standing side-by-side, he is taller. (He's still shorter than Travis who is 22".)

Saturday night, Jess brought some friends over, and Bella and Zane got to show off their tricks and things they know. Bella is the star of the show, but Zane is going to catch up!

He's working on a couple of new behaviors. You know the toddler stacking toy with the rings that they stack on the pole? I've started teaching him that. I started it just like "put it in" with the rings on the pole and he has to get them off. He did get one on a couple of times, but this is a very difficult thing for the dogs to learn, so it will be a while before he truly has it.

The second thing we started this morning was a back-up. I teach this using Sue Ailsby's method from her Training Levels. He is in front of me and I start by clicking for any foot movement. This rapidly becomes feet moving back, and finally backing up. This morning we did get to 2 to 4 steps back, so he is getting the concept. It's definitely not completely understood or on cue, but he was understanding which of his actions was getting the click.

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