This morning we also met a friend at the park for training. Zane greeted her Chihuahua and Australian Terrier very appropriately. The Chi, who reads dogs very well and will not approach a dog she doesn't feel she can trust, was trying to get him to play with her! And he wanted to! Big break-through for him. At one point he got a little pushy into her space and she told him off. And he didn't take offense or act scared or worried! Woohoo! When approaching the terrier, he was appropriate, didn't lunge at him, didn't growl in fear, acted nice and submissive and didn't push him at all. Whew!
He did some light heeling at the park. We played with the retrieve. First just a casual toss and bring it back to front. Then offering food and dumbbell and asking him to "take it" and he had to take the dumbbell. He could do it. We had to work hold a little bit as he tried to spit it at me a couple of times. But overall, very nicely done.
And he did stays! It was his first time to do stays in a line-up (the line-up was the terrier, Bella, and Zane, but it was a line-up!) They did a 2 minute sit-stay and a 4 minute down-stay. I have never, ever, ever asked him to stay that long, but he had no problem. I did go reward the sit once in the middle. And I rewarded the down a couple of times when I was throwing major distractions out there and he held his stays. Nice job Zane!
His sit-stay. He sits so upright!
The down-stay line-up.
And close-up of Zane on his stay. He always looks so regal and proud!
Yesterday we went tracking again and here he is following the track to the glove:
And this is what happens to poor doggies who live with young teenage girls who like to torture them.
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