Yesterday evening I had Zane out on the agility field working on obedience. While working, my husband went to the back porch to start the grill. Zane kept watching him. He's so concerned about everything and worried that somebody is going to do something scary over there that he forgets where he should be focusing.
Some trainers would say to make yourself bigger and badder and scarier than whatever has the dog's attention so your dog won't worry about that thing over there. They're more worried about what you're going to do.
Instead, I turned myself into more fun. If he looked over at my husband, I tagged him and took off running. When he caught up with me, we played. Soon, his eyes were all on me and no longer worried about what was happening on the porch.
This morning at Bella's agility lesson he did the dogwalk several times (since starting the teeter here at home, he's a bit worried about the dogwalk - "It might move!") He practice TOTO on the A-frame, but didn't go over it (too high). He did tables and tunnels. And after class he got to do the chute (wind was blowing it almost open, so easy).
He saw Rusty's owner and just fell all over himself trying to get to her. I think he loves her because she is Rusty's person. Or maybe it's because she is just such a sweet, kind, caring person. He has good taste!
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