Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This morning's walk was almost too quiet. We went all the way around the block, and on the back side we finally came across several yards of dogs. Zane jumped and ran ahead at the first one, then walked with me for the rest. I need to find some noisy busy areas to work in. I thought of the Walmart shopping center, but that's where people bring puppies from Mexico to sell, and I'm too worried about germs there. He's been to the hardware stores. Gotta' put the mind in gear!

On the circus elephant, he can turn until his back is to me, then get stuck. So I step to the other side of him and he continues his circle. Soon he'll be doing the whole thing. He still isn't getting the verbal down. He just stands there and looks at me. It will come.

Today he started to learn "Stop". Some people call this "wait", but wait is one of my stay commands, so this is "stop" - as in stop all forward motion and just stand there (or sit there for now).

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