Monday, December 13, 2010

Make Some Noise, Part 2

We are now turning "Put it in" into a noise-making activity. I put a metal article into the bowl and started doing "put it in" with that. When he drops it in, it makes a loud clatter. He's having no problem with that. Interestingly, when he gets something out of the bowl, he's quiet. But when he picks up something that's outside of the bowl and has to put it in, he moans while he does it. Silly boy.

Today Zane went to the vet. He weighed 32 pounds and got his official letter that he is bilaterally cryptorchid. Speaking of which. . . if Zane were going to tell the animal communicator that he is teased about something, it would be about that. He is called the "ball-less wonder" and all sorts of things related to his lack of testicles. And he is teased about it several times a week. But that never got mentioned. Hmmmmm.

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