Saturday, August 14, 2010

Attention & Sits

This afternoon we worked on the back porch. I tried to do Come and Goes, but every time I tossed a treat for the go, he lost it and tried to eat little clumps of dirt. So we abandoned that one!

Instead we went to more advanced eye contact. I showed him the treat in my hand then moved it out to the side. Waited for eye contact, then click/treat. He got it fast! A couple of more days then he'll be ready for harder stuff. He knows his eye contact now.

Then we did sits. I'm following the Third Way technique of sit/maintains. So when he sits, he holds it until released. We only did 5 or 6 sits, but then he started coming up and sitting, hoping for more treats. The psych is set!

This evening Jade and I sat at opposite ends of the hallway and did recalls. He liked those. Run back and forth and get treats. What fun!

We were outside playing and Zane ran from the yard to the back porch. Bella tends to run down anything that is moving fast and she bowled him over. He screamed and wouldn't put a rear leg down. I got him, stretched the leg out, massaged it, and made sure nothing was out of place. He's now napping, but I think when he gets up he'll fine. Bella will have some work on not running over other animals. Unfortunately, when she was a puppy, none of the other dogs told her off for it, so she continued to do it.

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