Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A different "Get the paper"

Part of our morning routine is that when it is light enough, I head out and feed the horses and the chickens. As I leave the pasture, Travis runs ahead to our front gate, gets the paper and brings it to me. (He's such a good boy - I don't even tell him too - he figured this out all on his own, and it's a good 300 feet from the pasture to the front gate - that's a good outrun!)

This morning I gave all the dogs bones, so when I fed the horses, none of the dogs came with me. They were busy. As I left the pasture, Zane left his bone and came up to join me. I walked to the paper, and as I approached it, Zane picked it up and brought it to me. What a sweet boy!

Of course, one morning I had shaped him to pick up the paper, but that was awhile back and since, he's only tried to take the paper from Travis's mouth as he runs to me. This was a pretty big step for a young dog.

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